A general definition of "policy" is that it is a statement of intent or guidance. “策略”的一般性定义是对意图或指示的陈述。
As soon as a party has gained its general point, each member becomes intent upon his particular interest. 政党一旦实现了它总的目的,每个成员就开始专注于他特殊的利益。
The general intent of your project is to teach yourself and the rest of us about some aspect of optimization. 这个专案的目的就是要教你们自己与其他修课同学以不同观点来考虑最优化问题。
The subject of the crime is general subject with deliberate intent, while awareness of state-owned archives only requires general acknowledgement. 本罪主体为一般主体,在主观方面表现为故意,而对国有档案的明知只要求有盖然性认识即可。
The "general intent" is different from the "error in object" in the crime of smuggling. 对单位与个人犯走私普通货物物品罪,不能因为主体不同而规定不同的起刑点。
In general, the intent of the designer prevails, sometimes, the decision of the fund contributor dominates. 一般的模式是以设计者的意识为主导,有时也会出现出资者的决策成为主导的情况。
Deliberately based on their degree of malignancy can be divided into subjective and general malicious intent. 故意根据其主观恶性的程度可以分为恶意及一般故意。
In general, the general and abstract controlling intent against the belongings in its premises is enough. 通常只要是对自己支配场所内的财物具有概括的、抽象的支配意思就够了。
As for cone, parameter of general representation has no explicit geometric meaning and can not reflect design intent. 对于圆锥曲面,二次曲面的统一方程中的参数没有明显的几何意义,无法表达设计的意图和设计的过程。